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Full Meaning Of POS & Features Of A Point Of Sale System

what is the meaning of pos

If there is a price change, this can also be easily done through the inventory window. Other advantages include the ability to implement various types of discounts, a loyalty scheme for customers, and more efficient stock control. For POS software alone, small businesses with single cash registers can expect to pay around $15 for more modest systems and up to $100 for more feature-rich models. Alternatively, medium to larger businesses with a higher volume of transactions and more complex requirements may need to pay upwards of $100, per month, per location. Most modern, cloud-based POS systems have built-in data and analytics, so you can generate reports on various areas of your business—including inventory, sales, employees and customers.

At Forbes Advisor, he is determined to help readers declutter complex financial jargons and do his bit for India’s financial literacy. “The stock control feature in Lightspeed has really revolutionized our buying. We used to use spreadsheets with complicated equations to see what we needed to reorder and it would take hours. And using that function, which auto generates amounts we need to reorder with, with numbers that you set, has allowed us to create preorders of products that are selling well and send them in in minutes,” Emily explains. Our buyers know the sell through ratios and ship to sales numbers right away. We’re able to react really, really nicely,” remarks Michael Slagle, Vice President of Retail Operations at Imagine Exhibitions.


Alternatively, if you’re looking for a more tailored recommendation, you can use our free matching tool to compare providers and price quotes. If your POS doesn’t offer features that you require in-house, you’ll also be able to integrate the system with third-party software to extend its use further. Read our full guide to POS features to learn about what capabilities you should expect. The chief job of the POS is to calculate the total cost of an order, take payment, and log the transaction. There has been an even greater need for digital receipts since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic as people have started following social distancing and avoiding direct contact wherever possible.

Best POS Systems for Small Businesses

  1. A number of POS companies built their software specifically to be cloud-based.
  2. Drive-through systems are often enhanced by the use of drive-through wireless (or headset) intercoms.
  3. You can pick and choose the perfect combination of hardware and software that suits your business needs as well as considering the POS system cost.
  4. In hotels, customers use similar terminals to place orders for room service or to pay hotel bills.
  5. Many restaurants with high volume use wireless handheld POS to collect orders which are sent to a server.

In a supermarket, for example, this would involve entering the items into the POS with a barcode scanner. The software will record all the data, including the name and quantity of the items being purchased. Before choosing a digital POS machine, you must ensure it accepts a wide range of cards. It would be futile to buy a POS machine that restricts your payment acceptance from only a few banks and networks. Traditionally, after the transaction is complete, only paper-based receipts could be what is the meaning of pos printed for the customer. This makes record-keeping a severe overhead in addition to the environmental impact.

Even a function to issue a receipt with a negative amount which can be useful under certain circumstances, can be exploited by a cashier to easily lift money from the cash drawer. Self-ordering systems are not always free completely from intervention by the staff and for some good reasons. For example, some restaurants require that items selected by the customers be attended to and can only be placed by the waiter who has the password required to do so. This prevents fake orders — such as may be entered by playful kids — and subsequent dispute on the items ordered.

Customer’s data is of the utmost importance and it is equally crucial to ensure its security. Hence, you must ensure that the digital POS system has robust encryption for transactional data and the device should be PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) and EMV-compliant. There are various types of digital POS devices available in the market and you should choose the right one according to your specific payment needs. This increases the overall efficiency by removing manual errors and reducing the time spent in total payment processing.

what is the meaning of pos

Ways in which a POS Terminal Works

Square excels for restaurant and retail businesses alike with its brilliantly easy-to-use platform and versatility. Instead, you pay a small percentage of the fee you receive for every transaction you make, meaning you won’t start paying until you start selling. Modern POS systems are commonly programmable or allow enhancement with third-party software programs. For example, many retailers use POS systems to manage membership programs that award points to frequent buyers and issue discounts on future purchases.

Through additional ancillary services, digital POS systems become more robust and provide easier access to data and insights, thereby, helping in the overall growth of your business. For starters, see to it that you’re using a point of sale system that meets your needs. Consider your existing processes—including the checkout experience, inventory management and reporting—and find a POS solution that supports your business workflows. If the customer is using a credit card then the cashier would select that payment method in the POS and prompt the customer to swipe, dip or tap their card using the credit card reader. The process is the same for mobile payments, but instead of using a physical card, the customer must hover their phone over the credit card terminal.

No matter the type of store, the goal is to get shoppers to make an extra unplanned purchase. For example, for a business where payment is accepted at the customers’ doorstep, a light device would be preferred. The device should be small enough for the delivery person to easily carry around and be able to function on mobile data.


A POS system refers to the combination of hardware and software required to accept and process different forms of digital payments. The hardware includes a card acceptance machine and the software handles the remaining payment methods, processing and other peripheral value added services. Running an eCommerce business often means you have your hand in a number of tasks ranging from inventory management to marketing, to preparing monthly sales reports. An advanced POS system can save you time—especially if you have both an online store and a brick-and-mortar location—while giving small business owners the opportunity to grow. POS hardware includes any devices used to complete a payment (like a touchscreen monitor or credit card terminal), while POS system software refers to the operating system used to manage the transaction.

Smaller stores may utilize simple counters, while big-box stores will typically use a conveyor belt system spaced out in separate «lanes» to process orders. Express lanes might limit the type of payment, or number or type of goods, to expedite service. Some department stores may also have checkouts inside of the departments to allow shoppers of that section to pay without going through the main lines.

The point of sale can occur when customers approach your store counter, arrive at an online checkout, or pick an item from your booth at a pop-up location or festival. It’s free to use, comes with a free mobile reader, and makes it easy to process payments anytime, anywhere. Another innovation in technology for the restaurant industry is wireless POS. Many restaurants with high volume use wireless handheld POS to collect orders which are sent to a server. Wireless systems consist of drive-through microphones and speakers (often one speaker will serve both purposes), which are wired to a «base station» or «center module.» This, in turn, will broadcast to headsets.

Tablet POS systems popular for retail solutions are now available for the restaurant industry. Initially these systems were not sophisticated and many of the early systems did not support a remote printer in the kitchen. Tablet systems today are being used in all types of restaurants including table service operations.

What Is Futures Trading? a Guide to Contracts and Commodities

what is trading futures

These contracts are based on the future value of an individual company’s shares or a stock market index like the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, or Nasdaq. Futures trading on exchanges like the Chicago Mercantile Exchange can include underlying «assets» like physical commodities, bonds, or weather events. When you hear someone use the word «futures» in the finance world, they typically mean futures contracts. A futures contract provides terms for the delivery, or cash settlement, of a specified asset, such as stocks, raw materials, or products, at a specified date in the future. The value of the contract is derived from the value of the underlying asset, making futures a form of derivatives.

What Happens If Investors Hold a Futures Contract Until Expiration?

In this scenario, the investor holding the contract until expiration would take delivery of the underlying asset. The goal is to prevent losses from potentially unfavorable price changes rather than to speculate. Suppose a mutual fund manager oversees a portfolio valued at $100 million that tracks the S&P 500. Concerned about potential short-term market volatility, the fund manager hedges the portfolio against a possible market downturn using S&P 500 futures contracts. Futures are traded on centralized exchanges like the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), which lists what’s available and sets the specs for the products and contracts. By establishing terms, reviewing brokers, partnering with clearing firms, and setting margin requirements, futures exchanges make trading orderly while mitigating the risk of default.

Futures also have expiration dates, so you need to be careful to roll over or close out positions so not to be stuck with physical delivery of unwanted commodities. To start trading futures, you will need to find a brokerage that offers access to these markets and then get approval. Before trading futures, investors need to know several key elements about futures contracts to help determine position size and manage risk. We’ll use the popular E-mini S&P 500 futures contract offered by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) as an example. When considering futures trading, you must first familiarize yourself with all its processes, including transaction fees, leverage, and obligations. It is also essential to go with a trusted broker and get acquainted with various underlying assets of futures contracts.

In fact, they came about in the mid-19th century, allowing grain farmers to sell their wheat for forward delivery. Since then, they’ve evolved to include different securities and financial instruments, along with other commodities. Futures contracts offer the possibility to manage risk by anticipating upcoming events that can change market prices. The brokers only ask for part of the initial investment, a fraction of the contract’s total value, usually 3% – 10%, called the initial margin. The trading provider or broker would loan the rest to complete the total contract value. The CFTC, an independent federal agency, is the U.S.’s primary regulator for futures trading.

Individual traders or speculators commonly use futures contracts to earn a profit, or corporations or hedgers use them to hedge against inflation. Whereas individual traders don’t want to own the physical commodity, institutional investors aim to avoid price increases of raw materials they need for production. As an investment tool, futures contracts offer the advantage of price speculation and risk mitigation against potential market downturns. Taking a contrary position when hedging could lead to additional losses if market predictions are off. Also, the daily settlement of futures prices introduces volatility, with the investment’s value changing significantly from one trading session to the next. The CFTC sets rules for how contracts are traded, including requirements for margin deposits and limits on excessive speculation that would artificially distort prices.

Pros and Cons of Futures Trading

You should also review the platform’s fees and commissions and ensure they are competitive. Futures trading is leveraged, allowing investors to trade more significant amounts of money than their original investment, which means they need less equity to enter the trade. Other benefits include exposure to actual prices, tax benefits, and lower transaction costs. Corporations commonly use this tactic to lock in current prices of commodities they need in production to avoid price hikes or by individual investors to profit from price swings. If one wheat futures contract includes 5,000 bushels, and it sells at $12,50 per bushel, it is worth $62,000 of wheat, meaning that you would need less than 5% to trade it.

  1. Comex gold futures and crude oil futures are some examples of futures contracts.
  2. As a contract nears expiration, traders who want to maintain a position typically roll over to the next available contract month.
  3. To protect against a sudden surge in prices, an airline company can use a futures contract to lock in current prices, thus nullifying the impact of increasing fuel prices.
  4. This higher leverage allows investors to gain higher profits by having less equity.
  5. The opposite would be a long hedge strategy, which is something that an investor can use if they think that an asset will rise in value over time.

Now that we’ve explored the basics, let’s put everything all together in a trading example using the E-mini S&P 500 futures. Say the S&P 500 index recently broke out to a new all-time high, and we want to fade the move, hoping to book profits on a retracement to the initial breakout area around $4,720. Our money management rules stipulate that we risk no more than 1% of our futures trading account on any one trade and our broker requires a margin of $12,000. Whereas with other investing strategies, margin requirements for long and short positions differ, with futures contracts, the margin is the same for both without additional requirements.

How Futures Contracts Work

what is trading futures

While you might have to pay an expense ratio on the fund, it’ll save you from having to manage a futures position or qualify for a futures trading account. Usually, the futures exchanges’ initial margin amount is around 3% – 10% of the underlying contract value. It is much lower than an equity position where the margin account required is 50% or more of its total value. The maintenance margin for that same contract is $1,400, which is set top free forex charting software for 2021 by the broker and is a required minimum on your account at all times. If the money on the account drops below $1,400, the trader must make an extra payment to return it to the initial margin. For example, the initial margin of one wheat futures contract is $2,500, which is a required minimum to open a trade on a futures exchange.

This article explores some of the benefits and challenges you may encounter while trading your futures. All strategies have ups and downs, but https://forexanalytics.info/ you should decide which one you want to go with and define it for your futures trading. In terms of the trading strategies of speculators, it is normal for them to choose one to two main sectors they specialize in and have a thorough understanding of those markets. Yet futures ultimately offer defined, manageable risks if utilized responsibly. By understanding the risk-reward relationship in futures, you can weigh how to trade in them more appropriately. Investors who are interested in learning more about these possibilities can benefit from reading this article, which can help educate them on futures trading for beginners.

For example, it isn’t easy to know whether commodities’ prices, such as corn, go up or down without in-depth market knowledge. It takes an edge and understanding of markets’ fundamentals and economic trends, sentiment, and approach via technical analysis. Futures trading usually involves leverage and the broker requires an initial margin, a small part of the contract value. The amount depends on the contract size, the creditworthiness of the investor, and the broker’s terms and conditions.

This is in contrast to options trading, which gives the trader the right but not the obligation to settle their contracts. This higher leverage allows investors to gain higher profits by having less equity. However, it can equally put you at risk of losing more money than initially invested. Even though futures trading comes with higher risks due to leverage and more complicated investing and trading processes, it has several upsides.

What is futures trading?

If you understand how futures markets work and how futures could play a role in your portfolio, they can provide some welcome diversification to your holdings. Founded in 1993, The Motley Fool is a financial services company dedicated to making the world smarter, happier, and richer. The Motley Fool reaches millions of people every month through our premium investing solutions, free guidance and market analysis on Fool.com, top-rated podcasts, and non-profit The Motley Fool Foundation.

Stock futures have specific expiration dates and are organized by month. For example, futures for a major index like the S&P 500 might have contracts expiring in March, June, September, and December. The contract with the nearest expiration date is known as the «front-month» contract, which often has the most trading activity. As a contract nears expiration, traders who want to maintain a position typically roll over to the next available contract month.

Closed Positions What it Means to Close a Trading Position

closed positions

Another way to exit a trade is to monitor price in real-time and manually place an order to exit when the price reaches a specific level. This method allows a trader to watch the price for an exit signal. The downside is, they might stay in a trade too long and incur more loss than they planned. However, a trader watching the market in real-time might be able to time an exit based on the natural market movement and account for price swings.

What does it mean to close a position in finance?

A position can be closed once these expectations are fulfilled. Buying or short selling a stock or purchasing an option mark the opening of a position. To close the position, you will trade in the direction opposite to the initial position.

Likewise, a short position may be subject to a buy-in in the event of a short squeeze. When trades and investors transact in the market, they are opening and closing positions. The initial position that an investor takes on a security is an open position, and this could be either taking a long position or short position on the asset. The decision to close a position is typically based on market conditions, trading strategies, and individual risk tolerance. By closing a position, traders realize their gains or losses and free up capital for other investment opportunities. In the intricate dance of position closure, technology steps in as your graceful partner.

Close Position Explained to Traders (

  1. Again, this is not always the case, therefore closing out positions and securing profits is critical to success.
  2. This means selling assets in a long position or buying back assets in a short position, thereby neutralizing the market exposure and locking in any realized gains or losses.
  3. Suppose an investor has taken a long position on Apple (APPL) shares and is expecting its price to increase.

Brokers play a crucial role in the process of closing a position. They provide a platform for executing trades, offer advice based on market analysis, and ensure smooth transactions. Closing a position in trading refers to the act of selling or buying back an existing investment or financial instrument to exit the trade. Positions can be closed to make profits or curb losses, reduce market risk, or generate cash.

11 Financial is a registered investment adviser located in Lufkin, Texas. 11 Financial may only transact business in those states in which it is registered, or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements. Investors are legally bound to fulfill their obligations when closing a position, such as paying for the purchased securities or delivering the sold securities. Closing a position varies slightly depending on the market where the trade was made. Let’s embark on this journey together, navigating the market’s treacherous waters and emerging victorious, our pockets heavy with the treasures of wise closures.

closed positions

Profitable Closed Positions

The act of closing a trade is not a lone drumbeat echoing in the market’s vast din. It’s a conductor’s baton, subtly influencing the entire portfolio’s harmony and shaping its grand performance. Savvy traders stay vigilant to market movements and economic indicators, watching for signs of change. A stock’s performance against its history, sector trends, or broader market indices can offer vital clues.

The closing order, either a market or limit, to exit the position is entered when they see price reach a predetermined level. In both scenarios, the trader is selling to close their long position for profit. However, they may have different outcomes based on the exit strategy they implement to close the trade. The time elapsed between the opening and closing of a position reflects the security’s holding period.

Closing a position refers to executing a security transaction that is the exact opposite of an open position, thereby nullifying it and eliminating the initial exposure. Closing a long position in a security would entail selling it, while closing a short position in a security would involve buying it back. Taking offsetting positions in swaps is also very common to eliminate exposure prior to maturity. Another aspect that is particularly noteworthy is exiting with trailing stops.

closed positions

Automated systems, guided by predetermined cues such as fxchoice review alerts for potential trading opportunities, execute trades with the precision of a seasoned ballerina. Stop-loss orders are your vigilant guardians, holding the door against unforeseen tumbles, while trailing stops adjust to the market’s ever-shifting tempo. Furthermore, closing positions is a graceful pirouette in the choreography of investment strategies.

The firm will change the account margin once traders close their positions. Essentially, it implies that you exit the trade with a certain outcome. However, losing trades are a normal part of any trading strategy that even plus500 forex review the most successful traders experience in their day-to-day activities. Consider whether closing the position aligns with your long-term objectives and if it will help achieve your desired risk level.

Closing a position is a vital aspect of successful investing. By following these necessary steps, you can ensure that you are making well-informed decisions that align with your financial goals and strategies. Stop orders are used to close a position when the price reaches a predetermined level, acting as a safety net against further losses. Limit orders allow you to specify a price at which you want to close the position, while market orders enable you to close at the current market price.

A timely exit in adverse conditions can prevent significant losses. For instance, investors might quickly exit a pharmaceutical stock facing unexpected regulatory challenges. The short call position involves traders selling a call option.